Thursday, January 22, 2009


Update: Brock was discharged from the hospital tonight. All of his test came back normal. Thank you all for your prayers. I ask that you please continue to pray that he won't have any other issues and that Brock and his mommy and daddy will get a good's night sleep tonight! : )

Two posts in one day!! I know I am CRAZY!!

Seriously, though, I am calling all of you to pray once again for a sweet little boy who happens to be my nephew Brock. As you all know, Brock was born this past summer and he was a preemie. He has done amazingly well and is the chunkiest "preemie" I have ever seen!

Yesterday, he just wasn't acting like himself and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law ended up taking him to the ER. They ran some tests that came back negative but the ER doctors thought it best to transport him to a Children's Hospital where more tests could be done. All of his tests yesterday came back negative. They ended up keeping him overnight for observation.

He did get sick (sorry to be so gross, but throwing up all night long) last night. He is much better today. He hasn't gotten sick any more (as of this afternoon) and according to my brother-in-law, he is acting like his normal self. They are going to run one more test on him and then he will stay overnight again for observation.
Please pray with us that there won't be anything serious that comes up. That he will be fine and able to come home with his parents tomorrow. We are very thankful that all of his tests have been negative thus far. Please pray for his parents too as they are obviously staying with him at that hospital.

Thank you...our family appreciates all of the prayers.
Below is a picture of Brock during Christmas time! He is asleep but ever so cute!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is adorable! and we will keep praying for him. Thanks for the update. I'm glad he's doing better.