I am truly amazed at blogging. Not my blogging exactly but many of those who are blogging. I find myself getting lost in "blog world" many times a week. I have "met" people that I would never know in the real world. I am also able to keep up on the happenings of some of my friends. Many people have touched my heart and moved me in ways that I truly can not put into words. I have rejoiced with people and I have wept with people. I am a different person because of other people's blogs.
Sometimes being a stay-at-home mom is tough! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change my life with my boys for the world. I love being able to stay at home with them every day, sometimes though, I long for adult conversation. At times, I forget that there is a world out there. When I read some of the blogs that I follow, it puts me out there, in the world again. It is fun to read different blogs that deal with aspects of life that I am going through or have been through. I wish that I could meet, in person, many of the women whose blogs I follow.
I remember being so scared about starting my own blog. I didn't know if anybody would read it and you know what, it doesn't matter. My parents and a few friends may be the only ones that read this blog, and that is O. K. Blogging, for me, is an avenue of creativity in explaining the details of my life or the lives of others. So, I am not a "tech" kind of person (Lord knows how I made it through my high school computer class! and those that are gifted with technology are truly blessed and I admit I am a bit envious!) but I am thankful for the "Blog World."
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3 years ago
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