Dustin decided to take a "mini" vacation from work this past week. He had last Friday off and will go back to work tomorrow. I just want to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed him being home for the past 6 days. To be honest, I don't know what the boys and I are going to do tomorrow. Both boys have gotten up the past few days and the first word out of their mouths were "Daddy!"
Since Dustin has been on vacation, I have decided to do some "house" projects. Just to name a few: clean the bathroom up and down; organize our clothes in our dressers; laundry including all of those loads that only involve a couple of articles of clothing that can't be washed with other loads; putting together a shelving unit; getting the boy's room ready for 2 twin beds; etc. I don't know what has come over me this past week and not to toot my own horn, but "toot, toot." I have cleaned and organized this house. I do have a few more items that I need to do tonight, but I am very proud of all that was accomplished! Dustin still has 1 or 2 items left on his "chore list" but oh well! The man needs to rest some too, right?!
Dustin was supposed to go back to work today but ended up extending his vacation another day which was great! I have been so excited that our family has been relatively healthy this winter meaning no major illnesses. I keep waiting for "it" to hit...well, it did...sort of! Last night, Lukey fell asleep and Dustin was holding him for a while. After he had been asleep for a while I heard him burp and said, "is he going to throw up?" My question was answered a little bit later. Lukey had his first experience with "big boy" throw up! You know what I mean when I say "big boy!" Just as I did with Logan, his first time, I cried a bit with Lukey. It is just so hard to see them that little and sick. It was scary for him. Let me just say that Mommy can handle a lot, but throw up is not on my list of things I can handle! I feel bad thinking this but thank goodness he threw up on Daddy and not Mommy. But wait, it gets better...
After I got Lukey all cleaned up and situated and after Dustin showered and put on clean clothes, Luke wanted Daddy again! Roughly 30 minutes after the first time...it happened again...all over Daddy, AGAIN!! Today, we laugh. Last night, we didn't! The thought of this happening every 30 minutes was enough to put me over the edge. I know how wrong that is for me to have felt that way after Dustin went through so many outfits in an hour's time last night. But like I said, I don't do throw up well at all! Praise the Lord, for Lukey's sake and ours, he was only sick those two times. He had a hard time falling back asleep last night and we all played musical beds/couches but we made it through!
Today, was pretty low key. The boys stayed home and rested with Daddy and I was able to go to get my hair done and then went to Target for some odds and ends. I am praying that tonight is non-eventful, meaning everyone stays well.
The pictures below were taken a few days ago while Dustin was putting our new storage unit together. Luke was in his booster seat so he would stay out of the way and Logan had his "special" seat where he could help Daddy more! I actually think Logan is drawing "plans" for the unit Dustin was building!
Have a good night!
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