Thursday, August 28, 2008

Summer Pictures

I am not always good about posting pictures! I just downloaded some tonight so I thought I would post some pictures of Luke's 1st birthday and dedication along with some fun pictures of the boys this summer. Enjoy because who knows when I will post more pictures!!! :)

Luke was lovin' his pizza.

Logan thought he was so cute with his pull-up on his head!

This pictures was taken on Luke's actual birthday at Buffalo Wild Wings. Dustin and I took the boys there for Luke's birthday lunch. It is their FAVORITE place!

Daddy helps Lukey open his gifts.

I love this picture of my boys. I think it is so sweet that Luke wants to share his birthday cake with his big brother, Logan. They really do love each other. This picture is what being a mommy is all about. I pray that Luke and Logan will always be close to one another.

The happy family celebrates Luke's birthday U of M style.

Uncle Scott was able to come and lead the dedication for Luke just as he did for Logan.

We are so blessed that the boys are so close to their grandparents. I don't know what we would do without them. We love you Papas and GeeMas.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Brock Update

I am doing another entry because I failed to mention Brock in my last entry!

Brock continues to amaze us every day. He did have a bit of a set-back a week or so ago. He developed an infection by thankfully the infection is now gone. He has finished all of the antibiotics they had given him. We are now praying that the infection does not come back and also that no other infections come.

Bock is continuing to eat and gain weight. We are all very excited. Not as excited as his Mommy and Daddy but still quite excited.

Uncle Dustin and I went to see him yesterday. We hadn't been in 2 weeks and were both taken back by how much he looks like a newborn baby, not the tiny premie we had seen before. He is still little but is filling out nicely. He had on a little outfit yesterday which was very cute.

They are going to try and see if he will take a bottle in the next week or two. Please pray with us that he will be successful at this. Please also continue to pray for his health and safety along with the health and safety of Ryan and Jenn.

Thanks to everyone who is praying for Brock and his parents and please continue to keep them in your prayers.

Family Fun Week!

A lot has been going on in the past week or so. I called it "Family Fun Week" because Dustin was on vacation from work this past week. It was really nice to have him home. The boys really enjoyed being with Daddy. It was a bit hard today to adjust to Daddy being back at work and not here at home with us during the day!

We celebrated Luke's 1st birthday a week ago this past Saturday (8/9). We had a "University of Michigan" first birthday party. Logan had a "Detroit Tiger" first birthday party so we carried on the sports tradition. Luke enjoyed his birthday party very much. Mommy was excited because he got a lot of clothes and Luke loved all of the toys he got too! We had the party at my Uncle and Aunt's house who have a huge pool and trampoline. The kids loved it! It was a very nice time to spend with family and friends!

We didn't do too much during the week. We hung out a lot as a family which was awesome. Luke had his 12 month check up on Monday and he got shots. He ran a bit of a fever for a couple of days which we thought was due to the shots, however, when we woke up one morning to a rash on his little body we discovered it wasn't because of the shots but because of roseola! My poor little guy! I feel so bad for him, however, he is on the mend and I am very thankful for that.

We did spend a couple of days at my Uncle and Aunt's pool. Dustin was supposed to golf a couple of days and that fell through so the next best thing for him to do was sit around the pool with our laptop looking at Fantasy Baseball and Fantasy Football stuff! It was nice for me and the boys too! Logan loved swimming and Luke sat in his "saucer" and watched everyone. We got to spend one of those days at my Uncle and Aunt's with Amy and the boys which was an extra special treat! It was very relaxing and we ALL enjoyed it! Thanks again Uncle Bill and Aunt too Sarah!

We ended the week with a baby dedication for Luke on Friday evening. Again, my Uncle and Aunt were very gracious and opened their home again to all of our family. When Logan was around 4 months, my brother came to our church and did the baby dedication for him. At that time, Scott and his family still lived around us. However, when Luke was born they had already moved away. Dustin and I aren't currently members at a church, we are STILL searching for that church where God wants us, and we wanted Scott to also do the dedication for Luke. This was really the first opportunity where we could all meet together and do it. So, Uncle Scott did a little dedication for Luke and it was great. Thanks Uncle Scott!

Also this past weekend, I became another year older! I celebrated my 32nd birthday on Saturday. It was very nice! I went to a movie with my Mother-in-law and cousin, Sarah; had lunch with my parents; and went to dinner with Dustin! Whew! Quite a day it was! I am thankful to all who made the day special for me. Love you all!

That is about it. We are trying to get back in the swing of things. We are no longer in vacation mode! Hope you all have a great week!

**Oh, guess what 3 year old now goes poopy in the potty! After 3 months, he got it! Mommy is very, very happy!**

**I will try to post some pictures of our "Family Fun Week" adventures!**

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Larry King Live Tonight

Please tune in to Larry King Live tonight where Steven Curtis Chapman and his family will be the guests. If you remember back on May 21st, the family lost 5 year old Maria when she was killed in the driveway of their home in an accident involving her brother and the family car. This family has been through so much and yet they still have an awesome testimony of how God is working in their lives.

The family was on Good Morning America yesterday morning in an interview with Robin Roberts. It was their first interview since the accident. If you haven't seen in, you can log on to SCC's website here to see it I was able to DVR it and watched yesterday afternoon and was very moved by it. I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through.

Please continue to keep the Chapman family in your prayers.

**Also, there is supposed to be another article about the family in People Magazine that is on stands tomorrow.**

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Luke!

*Here are some pictures from Luke's Birthday!*

One year ago today our lives were blessed with the birth of Luke. I can't believe it has been a year since he was born. In a way it seems like it was yesterday and another way it seems like he has been with us forever.

Our Luke is quite the ball of energy. He NEVER stops. He is now walking and talking (or yelling, whichever way you want to look at it). He loves to laugh and be right by his big brother. Daddy and his two boys love to wrestle and play soccer and basketball. We laugh because Luke is going to be the rough and tumble child. It doesn't matter that he is smaller than his brother, he still gets right in there in the middle of all the action. He also loves to play with any kind of bouncing ball. We seriously have so many different kinds of balls it is ridiculous, but you know what, if it makes our Luke happy then so be it.

Today, Daddy, Mommy and Logan are taking Luke out to lunch at the boy's favorite place, Buffalo Wild Wings, for his 1st birthday. Then later tonight we are going to have a little family celebration with both sets of Grandparents and Uncle Ryan, Aunt Jenn, Aunt Heather and Lyndsey. Saturday is "party day" when the big 1st birthday party will take place.

There are lots of first for our birthday boy this week and it is exciting for me, as his mommy, to watch. I am amazed at the cute, fun, energenic little boy he is becoming. You can tell already that he loves life, especially when he gets what he wants! : ) But seriously, as I posted a few enteries ago, we are so blessed to have our two boys and am so excited to watch Luke grow into a strong, healthy young man. I thank the Lord for our beautiful Luke!

I will try to take some picutres of Luke's birthday and post them later.

Happy 1st Birthday Luke! Daddy, Mommy and Logan love you!