Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rooms, Carpet, Sickness and Presents

What I week we have had here in our house! I am going to break this post up into 4 sections that detail the highlights. Let's begin!

Rooms: I finally convinced my sweet, hardworking husband that we need to switch rooms with our boys. Our bedroom is a bit bigger and has more options in order to place a twin bed, crib, dresser, train table and easel (Logan doesn't know this yet, but his grandparents are getting him both of these for Christmas!!), not to mention all of the toys. So, last Saturday, Dustin, his dad and his brother switched our rooms. The boys are now in our newly painted old room that so perfectly matches our comforter, curtains, etc. We are now in our new room that is "sports themed." I am trying to be positive because I am the type of person that likes everything to look "put together." I want so badly to paint our new room but know that that is not going to happen until Spring, if I am lucky. The good thing is that the sports themed decor on the walls (paint and border) do match the colors of our bed linens! I must say that I am very happy that the boys have the bigger room and will be even more happy when they both sleep in their together. We still need to get Logan a new bed! There is always something, isn't there.

Carpet: Dustin and I purchased new carpet for our living room, dining room and hallway a couple of months ago. I LOVE this carpet and can't tell you how much I stive to keep it clean. Our carpet is so soft and a tweed type of carpet in order to hide stains. Well, this week alone our dog, Rudy, has thrown up on it, Logan has thrown up on it, Luke has spit up like a faucet on it and Chinese food was spilt on it. I could not have even imagined that all of this would take place. All of these episodes happened within one or two days of each other. I think I can safely say that our carpet has been initiated by almost the whole family! Luckily, you can't tell that any of these episodes happened. Thank God for tweed!

Sickness: From the paragraph above you can guess where I am going with this paragrah! Luke had an upset stomach on Sunday, Logan was sick on Monday night and I was sick on Tuesday night! Oh and don't let me forget Rudy whose stomach was icky on Monday! I am so thankful that we all were sick for less than 24 hours each. All I kept thinking was that we were going to be sick all week, but thank you Lord we are all better!

Presents: I actually prided myself on getting into the Christmas spirit early this year. I had a lot of my gifts bought before Thanksgiving. I was bound and deteremined to be done in plenty of time before Christmas. Well, we are now almost 4 days until Christmas and I still have to buy 4 to 5 more gifts and wrap everything. So much for being prepared! I always have the best intentions but lose it somewhere along the way. So, this weekend is crunch time!

Well, that details the week for us so far. I pray the weekend is smooth sailing!

Have a blessed day!

Monday, December 03, 2007

It Truly is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I love this time of the year. I love October through the end of the year. I love Fall weather and all of the different Fall colors and I love Thanksgiving and especially Christmas. Not to mention that by October I am so glad to be done with summer clothes and love to be in my sweats all the time!

This Christmas season is extremely exciting to me. This is the first year that I think Logan will really "get" Christmas and opening gifts and really be interested in what he is opening. I have spent a lot of time researching some gifts for him and can't wait to see his face Christmas morning. I am also very excited to have Luke this Christmas. Last Christmas we had just found out I was pregnant with him and now this year, he is here with us. We truly are so blessed.

I love to be with family and friends and the holidays make it that much more exciting. We have planned a couple of "get-togethers" with some friends this season and I get to play "Suzy Homemaker." While it is stressful sometimes, I love to be the hostess and have people over to our house.

So, I hope that you all take the time to think about this time of the year and truly enjoy it. I pray that we also take the time to remember the true meaning of CHRISTmas.

Merry Christmas (I know it is still a bit early, but I am in the Christmas mood today!) and have a blessed day.