Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Look

I thought I would spruce up the look of my blog. Do you like it? I must admit that I am not computer savvy. I can find my way around the internet and email but have no idea about setting up programs or anything of the such. Can I just say that I am pretty proud of myself for setting up the new look of my blog. I really didn't have to do much but click buttons but still! I also think I made it available for anyone to comment on my blog enteries. You don't have to have a blogger account to comment. So, feel free to comment and let me know that someone other than my parents (and Suzanna and Shelly my blogger friends!) read about my craziness.

Not too much to report around here. We are all dealing with some colds and the croup this week. Luke has had a runny/stuffy nose and a bit of a cough for a few days and Logan woke up coughing and sounding like a seal yesterday morning. We went to the doctors and of course by the time we got there Logan sounded like normal. The doctor said that he wasn't too concerned if it cleared up that quickly. He also checked Luke and he was good too! Now, Dustin and I both have colds now too! I can't wait for warmer weather!!!

That is about it for now. I hope that everyone is having a good week. I will post again soon. Have a good rest of the week and weekend!

Update: I gave in and Dustin trimmed my hair for me a few days ago. Trust me, it was a must. The plan is to still grow it out though. We'll see!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring Is In The Air

Here are a few reasons why I know that Spring is right around the corner:

1.) We have turned the temperature down for the heat on our thermostat. 2.) I have had the front door open the past few days to let the sunshine in. 3.) We have had a couple of nicer days this week where we didn't have to wear our winter coats. 4.) Dustin's fantasy baseball draft is next weekend, which means MLB is starting! 5.) Summer clothes are everywhere in the stores and I have to start thinking about a bathing suit for the summer (YUK!).

I am so excited for Spring this year. It will be so wonderful to have our windows open and to put away the winter coats. There is nothing like seeing green grass and budding trees. I can't wait for long walks, taking the kids to the park, going to the zoo and hanging out at my aunt's house around the pool. Just thinking about this has me all excited.

I thought I would also include some new things the boys are doing....

Logan is growing and talking more and more each day. He loves to sing. Some of his favorite songs to sing are the "ABCs," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Jesus Loves Me". He also likes to sing the chours of "Sweet Caroline" from his favorite movie Fever Pitch and this week I taught him "Hit the Road Jack." Lots of educational teaching going on in this house! He still loves his trains and loves to watch the Sprout channel on T.V. He will turn 3 in May which amazes me.

Luke is also doing new things every day. He is eating more and more baby food and even some table food. He rolls all over the floor. He cut his first tooth a couple of weeks ago. This week he learned to eat a cracker and also learned to clap. He is such a happy baby. He almost always has a smile on his face. He still loves to be within eyesight of his mama. I can't go very far from him but that is O. K.

Both boys love each other. Logan reallly enjoys talking and playing with Luke. Right now Logan loves to pat Luke's head and I have to watch him so he doesn't pat Luke's head too hard. They are so cute to watch. Luke just looks at Logan and enjoys when he is around. I put Luke on a blanket on the floor to play the day before yesterday and gave him some of Logan's trains, that go in the bathtub, to play with. Logan of course didn't like it so I had to have the "sharing your toys" talk with him. I can see that this is just the beginning of teaching the boys to share.

I guess I should mention my third boy, well actually my first...Dustin! He is doing good as well. He is working hard to provide for his family and I am very thankful for him and also proud of how hard he works. He just had a great review from his boss and things are going good with his job. He is waiting to hear if he has been accepted in another area of his company. This would be a total job switch from what he is doing now. He will hopefully hear something in the next week or so. He does such a good job at work. I am not just saying this because I am his wife, but his company is lucky to have him. As I stated above, fantasy baseball is starting up and he is hard at work this weekend trying to trade this pick for that pick in the draft. It is all very confusing, but he enjoys it and I am going to try to be a supportive wife about it!!! : )

I am so blessed with Dustin and our boys. I can't believe I am a mother of 2. It wasn't that long ago that I didn't think I would ever get pregnant and now I have been pregnant and given birth twice. I thank God for all He has given me. At times, I get so wrapped out with my worries or what bill needs to be paid today and the next day and so on that I forget to stop and look at my life and all of the amazing blessings I have. Not only do I have Dustin and our boys but I have wonderful parents and in-laws along with wonderful siblings, niece, nephews and friends. I am thankful that Dustin and I both get along with the other's family. Both sets of our parents even like to be around the other set. I am excited to see what the future has in store for all of us. I know that God is working in our lives and that He has big plans for us.

Well, that is it for now. I am praying that this next week is a good week to. We are entering the week before Easter and my prayer is that we are all mindful of the significance of this upcoming week and all the God has done for us.