Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hello...It's Me Stacey!!!

I can't believe it has been so long since I have blogged! The main reason is that our laptop is broken and our "big, old school" computer is not as quick or good as the laptop. However, I am sitting at the "big, old school" computer right now trying to come up with a clever post while my sweet Luke should be napping in my bed behind me. I wonder how many times I will have to tell him to stay in the bed, lay down and go to sleep!!! For all of you that know me personally, you will understand when I say that my Luke is JUST.LIKE.HIS.UNCLE.SCOTT!!! Enough said!

I am just going to write about random stuff about us in this post. Hopefully, you can all follow along!!

These days things are quite crazy here in our house. I am not complaining though. I love my life as a stay-at-home mom and love that God has blessed me with two precious little boys (who can fight like cats and dogs! HA!). I am so thankful for them (even when I am at my wits end with them like yesterday!) and cherish them so! There is nothing better than their sweet kisses and hugs! However, usually by 8 pm at night, Mommy is done! Daddy has to take over, because Mommy just needs a bit of silence!! Who knew that a 4 yr old and almost 2 yr old could be so loud!! All that to say, that being their mom is the best thing ever and I am so thankful for them!

I texted my sister-in-law, Amy, the other day and told her that basically we don't talk every day like we used to and I was being silly about stuff and she texted me back to call her. I called her back and we literally talked for 60 seconds because her boys and my boys were so loud that we couldn't hear each other on the phone! Thank God for texting! At least we can check in without having to talk on the phone!!

By the way, my sweet Logan is all signed up for preschool in the Fall. That's right! I could cry just typing about it! I just keep telling myself that it will be good for him. He will enjoy being around and playing with other children his age. But still, my baby is going to school!!! Plus while Logan is at school, Luke and I will have some together time! All in all, it will be good for us all...I think! HA!

I AM ADDICTED TO TWITTER! I know, I know. It is crazy! I love that I don't have to type a long post but can give a quick "status" update on what is going on from time to time. Plus I can do it all from my pink BlackBerry! It doesn't get better than that! HA! Oh, and I can check Facebook from the BlackBerry too! I love it! How did I ever live without it before!! HA!

We are all (me, Dustin, the boys, my parents!) going to my brother's house this weekend to celebrate my nephew Caleb's 5th birthday! It is going to be a lot of fun! My parents are going to have all 5 of their grandson's under one roof! It is going to be CRAZY, but priceless!

For the record, people have been asking Dustin and I if we are going to have another baby; if we are going to try for the girl! Here is what my response is....IF I were to get pregnant again, and that is not a given, we will most likely have another son. I think boys are all this family can produce! We have two and my brother and sister-in-law have 3! HA! Having another son would just be great! I would love to have a little girl but we will not "try again" solely for the purpose of having a little girl. IF we decide to add to our family, it will be because we want another child, either sex would be great! In saying all of that (sorry if it sounded rude, it was not intended that way!), we will NOT try to get pregnant until we have some control over Lukey!! Ha! I love my boys!

Finally, I would like to wish my wonderful husband, who so graciously and lovingly puts up with me day after day after day, a very HAPPY 11th ANNIVERSARY (early!)!! Our anniversary is this Saturday! I can't believe it has been 11 years, Babe! Thank you so much for all you do for me and the boys. You are more than I deserve (seriously) and I love you so much! I am so thankful for you and the husband and daddy you are! Love you always!

Hope everyone (basically my parents, Kate and a few others who read this!) has a great weekend. I promise to post some fun pictures (we got an awesome new camera!!) as soon as our laptop is fixed...hopefully next week (Sarah)!

Thanks for checking back in. I promise to post more often, even if it is from our old school computer!!

1 comment:

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

Hey, I stopped checking your blog, it had been so long :) Seriously though, Happy BELATED anniversary. I cannot believe it has been that long. That is awesome. Talk to you soon either by twitter, facebook, blog, how ridiculous is all this techology :) I will talk to you IN PERSON on Monday though...that will be SO old school :)