Monday, March 23, 2009

Thanks God!

Do you ever have those days when you just feel out of sorts? Do you ever feel anxious or overwhelmed? This is the way that I am feeling this morning!

I was up late last night and had a hard time falling asleep once I got into bed because my mind was just running. I am a worrier. I have mentioned that before and how I am not proud of this. I know that worry does not come from God! I have personally learned that about 99% of the things I worry about, never come about!!

I tend to get worried and feel unsettled when I am not spending time in prayer or reading my Bible. I begin to live in "what if" land!

We were up early today and while the boys were eating breakfast and watching "Dora the Explorer" I felt the need to get out my Beth Moore "Breaking Free Day by Day" devotional. I opened it and began to flip to today's reading. However, I ended up looking at yesterdays reading too. Here is the verse from yesterday:

Matthew 11:28

"Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

That is me!! I am weary and burdened, because of my own doing, but still! Jesus tells me that when I am feeling like this to come to Him and He will give me rest. How awesome is that! I can focus on Him and not on my worries. When I turn my focus to Him and away from my worries, I realize that the worries are wrong and only bringing harm to me.

When you really think about it, who wants to live their life in a way that is harmful. I don't want to go through my day living in "what if" land!! I want to be full of joy and happiness. When I worry about needless things, I am robbing myself of joy and happiness. See what happens when you are able to get a little are able to think more clearly!!

The thought also came to mind that I might have had a better night and morning if I would have read yesterday's passage YESTERDAY!! Hello!!

Thank you God! This is just what I needed today!!

Have a blessed day everyone!

1 comment:

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

I have always wondered about that devotional. I will have to check it out. I have to laugh at "if only I'd read yesterday's yesterday". Sounds like my life.