Friday, February 27, 2009

Our Pediatrician

As I was nearing my due date when I was pregnant with Logan, I began to stress about a pediatrician. I had no idea who to go to or where to even start looking for one. Let me just say now, that I feel that our pediatrician was sent to us by God! Some of you may be thinking that I am crazy, but I am not.

We met with him the week before I delivered Logan just to see his face so that when he showed up at the hospital after Logan was born, we would in fact know who he was! He was older but came very highly recommended! So, that was that! He became our pediatrician!

I am not going to pretend that our pediatrician did not stress me out COMPLETELY when Logan was 3 months old and told me he needed to see a neurologist because he couldn't hold his head up well enough at his check up! Can I just say here that Logan wanted to be held constantly the first 8 weeks of his life! I thought "tummy time" was so that his head wouldn't go flat for laying on it so much. Why would his head go flat when I was holding him all day every day! It never hit me that he needed to learn to hold his head up the strength!

Obviously, Logan is fine now. There was never a problem. He was just held too much and had a big head! This whole situation taught me that our pediatrician was one who cared for my baby and would do what he thought was best. He wasn't going to take any chances with anything! I appreciate that so much as a mother. I learned that if our pediatrician wasn't concerned then I wasn't either.

Not to mention that I think the world of his nurse and office staff. They all treat my boys like they are family and I so love that! Logan and Luke like going to see everyone at the doctor's office, that is, until the shots come out! Not to mention, they all put up with me!!! I used to call the office weekly when Logan was little and used to have him in the office at least every other week. Never did they make me feel silly. Now you know if they can put up with me, they are great! (I am much better about not calling so much with Luke!!!)

When I went to take Luke for his 18 month check up we saw another doctor who was filling in for our doctor. We were told that he had to take some personal time off to deal with a matter that couldn't be put off any more. I asked a few questions but was given some vague answers. I really didn't think much of it at the time.

Well, Dustin and I found out tonight that our pediatrician passed away today after a battle with cancer. I had no idea he was battling cancer. I just feel very sad tonight. I am thankful that my boys were under his care for as long as they were. I am thankful that he cared about my boys like he did. I am saddened for all of his family, patients and their families! He will truly be missed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw thats so sad good ole doc. he freaked you out every time but the boys are healthy and well. Ha you page is cute:) Amy