Monday, December 08, 2008

My Grandma

Friday morning my mom called to tell me that my grandma had fallen out of bed early that morning at her assisted living place and had been taken to the ER where they discovered that she had a broken hip. My grandma will be 89 on Wednesday. So, as you can imagine, as a family, we were all very concerned.

This is not the first time she has fallen out of bed. You would think that we could simply buy some sort of bed rails to put on the side of her bed and all would be great...right?! Apparently, there is a law stating that bed rails are not permitted in assisted living homes or nursing homes. From my understanding there were some cases of some elderly people who got their feet caught on the rails and therefore rails are not allowed on the beds any more.

To make a very, very (I am seriously not exaggerating!) long and confusing story short, it was decided to do a partial hip replacement instead of a whole hip replacement because she hasn't been walking at all for the past few months and would not be able (and she would refuse!) to do any sort of rehab. Our goal is to have her be able to sit in a wheel chair instead of laying in bed for the rest of her life. We were told that if the surgery wasn't done, she would be in excruciating pain for the next 4 months. So, at 9 pm last night she had her surgery and I thank the Lord that she came through the surgery with no complications at all. The surgeon told us that everything went very smoothly, that it was a good Sunday!

My grandma will now be going to a nursing home after being released from the hospital where she will receive more care. She will not return to the assisted living place. She needs more care than they can give and to be honest we aren't too happy with the assisted living place, but that is another story. My mom and aunt have already picked a nursing home for her and as far as nursing homes go, this one seems to be one of the "good" ones.

As I close, I ask that you keep my grandma in your prayers. Please pray for her to heal well from the surgery. Please pray for my mom and aunt as they are going through all of the paperwork to make sure that the transition into the nursing home goes smoothly for my grandma and also pray for them as they deal with the emotional aspect of putting their mother in a nursing home.

My family thanks you in advance for your prayers.

Have a blessed week!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

Aww, your poor Grandma! I hope she's up and feeling better quickly!!