Saturday, May 03, 2008

"Jon & Kate"

One of my favorite shows on T.V. is "Jon & Kate Plus 8." It is a reality show about the Gosselin family. Jon and Kate are the parents of 7 year old twin girls and 3 year old sextuplets (3 boys and 3 girls). Yes, you read that correctly. They have 8 children, thus the name of the show. The show details their everyday lives raising their 8 children. I am truly amazed after watching their show every Monday night on TLC (The Learning Channel). I seriously admire Kate and look up to her as a mother. She has inspired me to be a better mom to Logan and Luke. I can't even imagine having 8 kids. Sometimes, a lot of times actually, I get overwhelmed with my 2. One thing that impresses me so much is that Kate has said that they want to do as much as they can with their 8 children. They have done shows about them going to the zoo and to Disney World and other amazing trips and outings. It truly makes me rethink the fact that I think it is too much at times to take my boys to Target with me!!

Anyways, I noticed on their website that Jon and Kate were going to be in our area this weekend, so, of course, I talked my mom and my friend Jen into going with me to see them. When we got to the venue there was mass chaos trying to park. Over an hour later we found a parking spot and made our way to Jon and Kate's location in the venue. Of course the place was packed and we were only able to see them for brief moments through the crowd and were only able to hear a few words they spoke. All I kept thinking was that at least I got to see them in person and that I heard a few words out of their mouths.

We then walked through the rest of the venue which was supposed to be full of booths that appealed to women's interests. Long story short, we weren't impressed. Then it happened!!! We were walking down one of the aisles and all of a sudden Jon and Kate were right in front of me. Jen, later told me that I said "it's Jon and Kate plus 8!" They were at a local radio station's booth signing autographs. Of course, Jen and I got in line...who wouldn't! It moved pretty quickly and you will understand why in a few moments. I was so nervous waiting in line. I didn't know what I was going to say. I didn't want to be all corny and stupid. So, I practiced what I was going to say. Both Jen and I had it all planned out. I seriously was just about as excited to see them as I was Bon Jovi! I made Jen go first and she said what she was going to say and Kate acknowledged her, but not in a great way because she was so busy with the autographs. She was not rude by any means but you could tell that they did not have any time to talk to those in line. The people in charge had all of us that were in line moving so fast. So, do you want to know what I said? Get ready. I said "thanks" or "thank you" to both of them and on we went! How funny is that. I spent all that time worry about what I was going to say and I end up saying one, two words at the most!

All in all is was a great day because we got to see Jon and Kate up close and now I have a signed picture from them, but the rest of our time at the venue was a bust!

**Thanks Mom and Jen for driving around for over an hour trying to find a parking spot and then battling the crowd with me today! Hopefully my next idea for an outing will be a great one all the way around!**


Suzanna said...

Awww, man!! I didn't know they were in town!! I love them, too! That's such a great show, and I really love their family, too! Lucky you! LOL, about all the rehearsing you did about what you were going to say, and then only saying thanks! I'm sure I would have done the same things!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, thinking back to that parking lot --- how crazy was that. I must admit I was a little put off by how short she was on comments, but I will get over it soon. I felt like I didn't even want to watch the show last night because I'm still holding a grudge. I'm sure I'll watch it later, and be fine with it. Anyway, thanks for inviting me and thanks to BK for all that driving in circles.

Shelly said...

WOW, I would have loved to have gone. That is also one of my favorite shows. She is amazing and they are both funny. I wish I was as anal about organization as her!! Love Jon too!