I thought I would spruce up the look of my blog. Do you like it? I must admit that I am not computer savvy. I can find my way around the internet and email but have no idea about setting up programs or anything of the such. Can I just say that I am pretty proud of myself for setting up the new look of my blog. I really didn't have to do much but click buttons but still! I also think I made it available for anyone to comment on my blog enteries. You don't have to have a blogger account to comment. So, feel free to comment and let me know that someone other than my parents (and Suzanna and Shelly my blogger friends!) read about my craziness.
Not too much to report around here. We are all dealing with some colds and the croup this week. Luke has had a runny/stuffy nose and a bit of a cough for a few days and Logan woke up coughing and sounding like a seal yesterday morning. We went to the doctors and of course by the time we got there Logan sounded like normal. The doctor said that he wasn't too concerned if it cleared up that quickly. He also checked Luke and he was good too! Now, Dustin and I both have colds now too! I can't wait for warmer weather!!!
That is about it for now. I hope that everyone is having a good week. I will post again soon. Have a good rest of the week and weekend!
Update: I gave in and Dustin trimmed my hair for me a few days ago. Trust me, it was a must. The plan is to still grow it out though. We'll see!
Limited -
3 years ago
Yay!! I can comment now.
The blog looks great, Stacey! Very "springy" and fresh looking! Good job!! Hope you guys are feeling better soon!
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