Monday, June 04, 2007

I'm Still Here...

Well, I have obviously taken quite a bit of a break from blogging the past month or so. I have thought about blogging but haven't due to laziness! A lot has happened in the past month so let me get started...

We celebrated Logan's second birthday in May. I can't believe he is already two. We had a Thomas the Tank Engine party. Let me just say that he is obsessed with Thomas. We can't go anywhere without a Thomas engine in each hand. I have engines all over my house...on the window sills, on the end table, on the computer table, etc. Seriously, our house is overcome with Thomas and his friends!

Logan is getting bigger and bigger each day. He is talking more and loves to sing "The Wheels on the Bus." I have tried to prepare him a bit for the birth of his new baby brother. Let's just say he wants nothing to do with any talk of a new baby. He won't say baby or touch my belly (which is expanding at a rapid pace!) or anything. I am praying he will love his baby brother. I am sure he will go through all of the normal emotions and reactions to having a new baby in the house. I have faith (and will continue to pray A LOT) that it is an easy transition for all.

I have quit my job at the daycare at the athletic club. Actually, I quit in April but was convinced to stay until the middle of May. I have enjoyed not having to get up early or having to get Logan up early to get there on time. I must admit that the last couple of weeks of working there, I wasn't "there on time" very much at all. As I type this post I am laughing inside because I received a call this morning to fill in tomorrow at the daycare. I guess they just love me too much to truly let me go. So, we will see what time I make it in tomorrow! Hopefully my work shirt still fits!!!

Dustin has been working hard and long days. He called me today and said he is ready to switch positions in the company. He is the cable guy and says that he is tired of crawling under houses and through wooded areas to connect cable. I told him we aren't as young as we used to be.

Dustin has also gone on a diet and has lost at least 20 pounds which makes me sick. Now, I am a very supportive wife and am very proud of him, but only wish I can lose weight as quickly as he can. Dustin has such will power that it is disgusting. He loses weight so quickly. He has gotten down to his ideal weight and is now trying to keep himself at that weight. I may try to sneak some crushed up candy bars in his meals. I feel that if I am gaining all of this weight, then it is totally unfair for him to lose all his weight!

Then there is me. As I said, I have quite the big pregnant belly now. At times, I get very out of breath. I am however thankful that I haven't started swelling yet. With Logan, my ankles and feet swelled so bad! Maybe with this pregnancy, I won't swell. To be honest, I have not had a hard pregnancy, thus far, at all. I am very, very thankful for that. I pray the next 10 weeks go just as well. That is right...only 10 weeks left! I can't believe how close it is. I am now going to the doctor's every 2 weeks instead of every month. Then in a few more weeks, it will be every week! Pretty soon I will be holding the newest member of our family...I can't wait.

Well, that is it for now. I will try to post again soon and maybe add some pictures of my skinny husband and big 2 year old boy. I think I will refrain from pictures of my big belly, but who knows! : )

Have a blessed day.


Suzanna said...

NO!!! I want belly pictures, I want belly pictures!!! Belly pictures are the best, and I've never gotten to see you pregnant!! Please share a pic! And, it's definitely NOT fair for Dustin to be losing weight like that while you're pregnant and gaining weight!!! I'd be disgusted too!! LOL!

Suzanna said...

Oh, and happy belated 2nd birthday to big boy Logan!!! YAY!!