Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Lot Going On

Things have been pretty crazy around here that past week or so. It started with Logan and I getting sick. Logan has a viral infection and has been not feeling well since last Thursday. I have been sick since last Friday. Dustin is also starting to feel the effects of us being sick. He said that he refuses to get sick until Logan and I are better. We are hopefully on the mend and I am so looking forward to getting out of the house. As you can imagine, we have pretty much been quarantined for the past 5 days.

We also received some exciting news last Friday...Dustin and I are going to be an aunt and uncle again, and Logan gets to be an older cousin. Dustin's brother called to tell us that he is going to be a dad. We are very excited for he and his girlfriend. To be honest, we have always believed that Dustin's brother would be the ultimate bachelor for life. Now, he is going to be a daddy. I get so excited talking to him about it because he is so excited. So, there will be 2 new babies for Christmas this year!!

Scott and his family are moving this week. Dustin and I were able to go to their final church service on Sunday and that is where it hit me that they really are leaving. As soon as I got into the church, I started crying. I sure am going to miss them being just a few blocks away. Although, we plan on visiting in a week or so, so it isn't that bad!

Lastly, next week is the week of my ultrasound. Hopefully, the baby will cooperate and we will be able to find out what the sex is. We are hoping for a girl, but a boy would be wonderful too. I just want a healthy baby no matter what.

That is it for now. Hopefully I will post more at the end of the week!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

I hope your brother's move goes smoothly. It's hard to believe that he's grown up with a family. I still remember him as a little boy.

Congrats on another new addition-to-be in your family. Seems like so many people are having babies lately.

Hope you're feeling well these days!


~Your twin sister