Monday, December 11, 2006


We seem to all be doing better...finally. Last week was a tough week. In my last post I thought I was on the mend, but the next day proved me wrong. I still have a bit of a cold, but not as bad as last week. Logan is also doing better. He still has a runny nose and cough but he is acting like his normal self. Dustin has been spared our sickness up until now. We pray he doesn't get it!

Something interesting did happen to Dustin last night, though. He was coming down the stairs a bit too quickly to stop Logan from going up the stairs and stepped on a plug to a humidifier and cut the bottom of his foot. Yes, the actual plug went through his sock and cut his foot in one spot and bruised another spot on the bottom of his foot. I know you may be asking what the humidifier was doing on the stairs. Well, we use our upstairs as a storage area and it also houses Dustin's clothes. We tend to line stuff up on the stairs so that when one of us goes up, we can take it all the way up the stairs. I know, we are a bit lazy! : ) We have the upstairs closed off with a door and obviously Logan is not allowed up there. Thus the reason Dustin came back down so quickly to stop Logan. To make a long (yes long!) story short, he spent a few hours in the emergency today. Thankfully nothing major is wrong, but he is in a lot of pain. He is supposed to stay off of it for the next two days. This means that he most likely will go back to work tomorrow! MEN!!!

So, we are hoping to be healed of all our ailments in order to enjoy Christmas and New Years! We have a busy schedule that starts this weekend, but we are very excited! I can't wait for Logan to open his Christmas gifts this year! He is such a big boy and Dustin and I were just talking tonight about how he is becoming a little man!

Oh, one more funny story. I took Logan to get his pictures taken this morning. The plan was for Dustin to go with me and help but he was at the hospital so I went alone with my boy. Every time Logan has gone to have pictures taken, he has been great...until today! Now, if you were to see the proofs you would never imagine what an ordeal I went through with him. He has the most beautiful smile in all of the pictures, but trying to get him to sit or stand up alone for the photographer to take his picture was a mess. He would cling to me and fuss and then the photographer would get his attention at the last minute and make him laugh. After 6 pictures, and me sweating up a storm, I decided that was enough. I thanked the photographer and asked him if he thought we got at least one good picture, and sure enough they all were great! What started off rocky ended up priceless.

I hope everyone has a good, healthy and safe week!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

I'm glad you guys are feeling better! We've all been going through that exact same thing here.

I know ALL about what a nightmare going to the photographer can be, TRUST me! LOL! All three of my boys hate it, which is exactly why I NEVER take them, until last month. I took my MIL with me, and we were both sweating profusely when we left. And this was the second photographer I had been to in two days, because the FIRST set of pictures were all horrible! LOL! So I totally sympathize with ya!!