Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Story Time and My Big Boy

On Wednesdays at Border's Bookstore at our local mall they have a story time for kids. Logan and I have been going for a while with my sister-in-law and nephews. Story time involves an employee reading a book to the kids, then they do some sort of craft and have a snack. It really is a lot of fun for the kids to interact and then for us moms to have a bit of adult conversation.

Logan enjoys all of the stories. He loves books. For only being 16 months old, he does a good job listening when the story is being read. Craft time is a different story. A lot of the crafts are geared towards older children, so usually we just sit back and enjoy watching everyone. Today, however, involved coloring fall pictures and cut out wooden leaves and acorns.

Now, Logan has tried coloring at restaurants before on the little placemats they give you. He actually likes to balance the little crayon on the placemat with his pointer finger more than coloring. The lady in charge of story time brought out some BIG crayons today and I thought we would try it out. Well, let me just say he loved it. I had him sitting in his stoller (because I was not about to spend all of story time chasing him around Borders!) and put one of the wooden cut out leaves on his tray and gave him a crayon. I colored a bit of the leaf to show him how it was done. I know that he is only 16 months old, but he did a good job. By good job, I mean he colored the leaf a little. It was the cutest thing. It made me realize how quickly he is growing up.

A close friend of mine is due to have her first baby in less than two weeks. I have been thinking about her a lot and have thought about myself at her stage of pregnancy a little over 16 months ago. I can't believe my baby is getting so big, so fast. It seems like yesterday we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of Logan. It was such and exciting yet scary time. There is nothing like holding a newborn baby, especially when the newborn baby is yours! Could it be that I am getting the "baby itch" for a sibling for Logan? : )

Enjoy the pictures of Logan showing Daddy his leaf and then a picture of the leaf itself. It is colored but you can't tell too well in the picture. Trust me, it is the most beautifully colored leaf ever!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

Very, very cute!!! He's a little artist! :)