Monday, December 04, 2006

A House Full of Sick People

The title of this post speaks for itself. Logan and I have been sick all day. My sickness started last Wednesday and progressively got worse as the days went on. Yesterday, I didn't even take a shower I felt so bad! I am feeling better today...thank you Lord! Logan had a rough day today so hopefully tomorrow will be better. Dustin has not been sick thus far, although tonight he did take some cold and flu medicine because he felt achy. I guess working outside all day doesn't help him either since the temperature is in the 20s.

Besides our illness this week, the past few weeks have been crazy! The week of Thanksgiving was very busy. The weekend after Thanksgiving Day was packed with shopping, scrapbooking (both me) and golfing (Dustin). It was a nice holiday weekend. Then this past week was full even into the weekend until yesterday when I became my sickest! So, hopefully we are on the mend and I am praying that Dustin doesn't get sick.

That's all for now. Hopefully I will write another (more exciting) post tomorrow! Too tired tonight!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

I hope you are all feeling better now!! We have the same thing going on here, we just keep getting sick and passing it back and forth to each other. It's driving me crazy!