Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry CHRISTmas

Today was such a busy day with surprises along the way. I sit here typing, very tired, but reflecting on the past year. I was watching Dustin and Logan playing tonight and remembering how small Logan was last year. He was only 7 months old. This year he is so active and talkative and well on his way to being 2 years old. Not only am I blessed with Dustin and Logan, but God has blessed us with another child that is on the way. I am so thankful for my family.

Tonight, I was wrapping gifts and baking and loved that fact that I could hear Dustin and Logan laughing and playing. I think that around the holidays it is so easy to get caught up in the "hustle and bustle" that we miss these precious moments. I encourage all of you to take time to think about and watch your families and cherish every moment.

Also, I pray that we not forget the real reason for this holiday...Jesus. As we celebrate with our families and loved ones over the next few days, let us also remember the birth of Jesus our Savior and thank Him for all He has done for us and all that we have been blessed with.

Merry Christmas!

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