Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Have I Gotten Myself InTo?

When I married my husband almost 12 years ago I was fully aware that his family are "gamers." They LOVE games...cards, board games, etc. Growing up, my family was not really into games of any kind. If two families could be complete opposites in a particular aspect...our's were.

In the beginning, I used to be very timid about playing games. You see, the family really doesn't "take it easy" on the newcomers. For instance, one time while playing cards, I cried! Yes, CRIED! I recall that I thought I had a bad hand and so I tossed my cards in when come to find out, I had a GREAT hand but didn't realize it because I was confused. Well, needless-to-say, I was the butt of the jokes that night and there was such an uproar that I left the table quietly, sat out the next game and cried! HA! I have, however, learned over the years to jab back! I now join in on the teasing of others and can take all of the teasing they dish out at me...without crying...most of the time!

The newest ADDICTION of the family is....Wii Bowling! Dustin's parents purchased a wii system for his sister's family, his brother's family and our family for CHRISTmas. Then the day after CHRISTmas his parents went out and purchased their own wii system so now we ALL have a wii system. Now, since we all have a system we decided to have a family "wii bowling league." When I say league, that is exactly what I mean...hard core!! There are written rules and regulations, team names, jackpots, etc. Dustin and I joined in on the fun of it and even have "team jerseys!"

I will NEVER forget the first night of the "league." We all went to his parent's house (after taking the boys to his brother's house where their parents paid for a babysitter to watch all of the boys!) to play and it was quite tense! The rules were in written form for us all to read. Let me say that they were VERY SPECIFIC! At this point, me, not being quite the "gamer" that they are, wanted to LEAVE! HA! However, after we got past all of the dos and don'ts and all of the tension, we enjoyed a few games of wii bowling!

This league will continue for the next few months and I am sure I will have many a story to tell about my in-laws...the GAMERS!! Seriously, I do love them and are so thankful for them. Let's just say, I hope our boys aren't quite the GAMERS that they are! HA!

**I just had Dustin read this post before I published it and he, of course, wants the boys to be like his family...GAMERS!! Oh my!!**

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Give It Another Try

Happy 2010 Everyone!
I have decided to forge ahead and give my old blog another try! I can't make any promises (sound familiar...I'm sure that I've said it before!) but I am going to try and be a better blogger!

Here are a few pictures our my family from the past couple of months! We are looking foward to great things this year and pray the same for you!