Sunday, July 26, 2009

Please Pray

I have asked for prayer before, for a sweet baby named Stellan. I am begging you all to pray for him again. He is in the hospital and is not doing good at all. Please pray for him and his family. Thanks!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Surgery Day

Update: Dustin's surgery went great! We have been home since early this evening. He ate dinner, has been walking around and has been sleeping for a couple of hours. Thank you all for your prayers and keep them coming!! Now, if I could only get my boys settled down and in bed, then I can get some sleep!! HA! Have a great weekend!!

Please pray for us today! Dustin is having surgery on his knee today. He has torn his meniscus and the Dr. is going to go in and clean it all up! Please pray that the surgery goes great (and that his nervous wife in the waiting room does well too! HA!). It is outpatient surgery so we will hopefully only be gone a few hours and then be able to come home to our family! Please also pray for his recovery that it goes great complications!! Thank you all!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer 2009

Apparently I can promise and promise to blog more or to post pictures and I can't seem to follow through with those promises!! HA! Sorry, but I will try to make it up in this post (a little!). Where to begin...

We are enjoying our summer here in our household. We have someone here with us every day, all day, and that is Daddy! You see, my sweet husband has torn his meniscus and has been off of work for the past 3 weeks. He is having surgery next week and will be off for another 5 weeks! Crazy, I know!!

I feel very bad that he is in pain, but have enjoyed him being around the house every day! To be honest, I have taken advantage of him being home and have been able to do some things on my own...paint pottery, hang out at a friends pool, etc.! However, I know that my time away from the house (which has only been a few times, not every day!!) is about to end due to his surgery!
Now that that has been said...onto our busy week this week!

Monday, the boys and I went on a play date with my friend, Becky, from high school (she was also my maid of honor at our wedding all those years ago!) and her 2 yr old twin boys! We all had a great time! I love to see my boys interact with other children. Logan is just so caring and nurturing. He walked right alongside Becky's stroller and talked to her boys. At one point, one of the boys looked back and called out for Logan. How sweet is that! Luke enjoyed running around and playing also! We really had a great time and hope to do it again soon. Maybe even to the zoo...right Becky??!! HA!

My 3 nephews are in town this week and we have been able to spend some time with them which has been awesome! My dad and I felt courageous enough to take all 5 boys to the zoo yesterday! We had a great time! I was proud that Dad and I survived and that all the boys had fun and we returned in one injuries or major melt downs!! YEAH!

After the zoo, we all (including Dustin who was home resting his knee and my mom who was working) ended up at my parents house for dinner and more playing!

Today, we had play time and lunch here at the house and then headed over to Aunt Vickie's for swimming and dinner! The boys had a blast in the pool! Even I got in and swam a bit! Yes, I did buy a bathing suit this year for $20!! Thank you Walmart!! I have stayed away from swimming for years because of bathing suits...yuk! However, I felt guilty about not having one in order to take the boys swimming, so I caved and got one! It isn't the greatest and I may have to spend some big bucks and get one that actually works better! Oh well...A for effort...right??!!

Tonight, my two older nephews are staying the night! As I type this they are all fast asleep. To be honest, it was a lot of fun tonight at our house! Not stressful at all! It is fun to have a sleep over! After all, I am "fun Aunt Stacey" and who wouldn't want to stay at our house!!!

I just checked on the boys and I wish I could go and take a picture of the big boys sleeping but I don't want to wake them. They just look so big and cute!

Tomorrow is another fun adventure. A friend of ours is going to try and take some pictures of the 5 boys at a local park! I am praying for good weather and happy, not cranky, boys! I have a feeling I am going to have to do some MAJOR bribing!! HA!

So, enjoy the pictures, not from this week, but some from the past few months that were taken with my new camera!! YEAH!!

Hope everyone else is having a great Summer 2009!!