Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pregnancy #2

This pregnancy has been quite different than my pregnancy with Logan. I have felt much more sick and have started gagging at EVERYTHING these past few weeks, along with having a horrible taste in my mouth constantly. I must admit that there have been many days where I haven't taken a shower and sometimes haven't even brushed my teeth. I know that is gross, but this is where the gagging comes in (brushing my teeth). Please forgive me if it sounds like I am complaining. That is not how I want to come across. I am very thankful and excited to be pregnant, it has just taken more of a toll on me than my last pregnancy.

In saying all of that, I have had some things go on with this pregnancy that have caused a bit of a scare. Specifically, last Saturday night when Dustin took me to the emergency because I started bleeding a bit. Now, let me say that this was a day when I did manage to take a shower, but did not do my hair or shave my legs...need I say more!!

Let me go back a few days before last Saturday, actually to last Monday (a week ago this past Monday). I had my normal prenatal appointment and we were able to see the baby for the first time on an ultrasound. The heart was beating great! So, fast forward to last Saturday night. I called my doctor and he didn't seem too concerned because of seeing the heart beat earlier that week. I was told that once you see a heart beat that the miscarriage rate drops to 5%. This was 11:30ish pm on Saturday and I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep until I knew that all was O. K. with the baby. Off to the hospital we went.

I mistakenly thought that they would take me back into the ER and do an ultrasound and we would be on our way. WRONG!! I was taken up to maternity triage. After a bit of a wait the doctor came in and examined me and said that all looked good. They did an ultrasound and again saw the baby's heartbeat and it was strong. The ER doctor told me that he was not concerned about the threat of a miscarriage and thought that the bleeding would diminish after a while. They ran a blood test and because of my blood type, specifically the Rh factor, I had to wait and get a shot. So, we arrived at midnight and left at 2:30 am. Oh, did I mention that on the other side of the curtain where I was there was a 20 year old in labor with her first child, throwing up!! Remember my problem with gagging!!! It was not very pleasant, but I did feel for the girl.

Sunday I relaxed all day, meaning no shower! Monday I worked and all appeared to be fine. I did call and check in with my doctor and explained that there was still some spotting. He assured me that he was not concerned and said that if I wanted to come in, he would absolutely see me. I told him that I would give it a few days.

Today, I went in and saw him. He did an ultrasound, again (praise the Lord) the baby was fine. The heart beat was strong. He did however say that he thought the placenta was low. He said he believed that I had placenta previa. This is when the placenta lays completely on or partially over the cervix. When this happens, a vaginal delievery is not an option. This means that most likely I will have to have a C-section.

My doctor assured me that the baby would be fine and I would be fine as well. He said that I may have more spotting issues throughout my pregnancy. This particular condition cannot be completely diagnosed until I am 20 weeks along in my pregnancy.

So, as you can tell it has been quite an eventful couple of days. I feel better knowing what is causing all of this, but on the other hand I am nervous about a C-section. Most importantly, I am thankful that the baby is great. All I can do now is put all of this in the Lord's hands. I pray that if God allows it that the placenta move (I know this is not likely to happen, but we can pray for a miracle) and that God would be with me and the baby during a C-section delivery. As long as the baby is healthy and that I am O. K. then all is good.

My main concern is the recovery from a C-section with a new baby and a toddler that runs around like crazy! I know that Dustin will be here and that both sets of parents and siblings will be here to help too. Thank God for family.

Well, that is my long story for the week. Thanks for reading it all. I pray that you all have a blessed day.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Party is Over

Logan has been a night owl since he was born. I have said before that I believe it is because he was born at 2:29 am. Logan likes to stay up late and sleep in in the mornings. All of my friends know not to call our house before 10 am. Well, that is all going to change now! You see, I am a working woman now. I started last Friday and I am working at a local athletic club in the day care center. It is only 9 hours a week, but we have to get up and be there by 9 am, 3 days a week.

Friday I went by myself to learn the ropes and today was the first day Logan joined me. I must say it was a bit hard for both of us to wake up and be ready that early. All in all, it was a good time. Logan did very good. I am excited that he will get to interact and play with children his age. Really the only consistant interaction Logan has is with his cousins and as I posted last time, his cousins are going to be moving away. So this is a good thing for us both. I am praying that Logan will learn to share with other children and see his Mommy interacting with other children so that when his baby sister or brother comes along, it won't be such a shock to him.

So, day 1 with Logan went well. Hopefully day 2 will go even better and day 3 even better than that!!

**One a side note, I had posted a little on Dustin's grandma who is in the hospital. They have taken her off of all the machines and medications she was on. She is fading fast and it is just a matter of time. She is a Christian and that brings us comfort to know she is going home to her Savior. Please pray for the family during the weeks to come. Thanks.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My Brother

Growing up Scott and I had the normal love/hate relationship...I loved him and he hated me! Seriously though, we had a normal brother/sister relationship. Since I was the oldest, I tended to "mother" him too much. I believe when he was around 15 or 16 years old, he really started to appreciate me. You see, he would get grounded for life every other day and would come to me and have me talk to our parents. He would want me to talk them out of his punishment so he could hang out with his friends. I know I am painting a picture of my brother that isn't too pretty, but truthfully he is a great brother.

One of the happiest times I had seen my brother was when Dustin announced that he had asked me to marry him. Scott flew across the room and hugged us both. To this day, Scott and Dustin are the best of friends and I am forever grateful for that. In return, Amy and I are also the best of friends.

Scott was called into full time Christian ministry when he was in college. When Scott and Amy were first married they lived 10 hours away from home. Once Zachery was born, the Lord opened up a door and they came home to live and Scott became the youth pastor of a local church. For the past 4 1/2 years my family and Scott's family have lived only a few blocks away. Well, in aobut 6 weeks that is going to change.

The Lord has once again opened up a door for Scott, Amy and the boys to move again to another church with awesome opportunities for them all. Scott and his family will be moving 3 hours from home. While it is hard to see them go, I am thankful that they will only be 3 hours away. We have already planned on monthly visits to see them and Amy and the boys will be here for montly visits too.

Selfishly, I wish they could stay close to us forever. I want to watch our boys grow up and become the best of friends. I want to be able to go down to their house for ice cream and a movie at night. I want Logan and I to be able to go to story time with Amy and the boys and all of us meet for lunch afterward. However, I do understand that my wishes aren't what is best.

While I have enjoyed being so close to them, I understand that God is calling them elsewhere. God has provided for them all along and will continue to provide for them as they go away. I am so proud of the Christian man my brother has become. He is a great youth pastor and does great things for the youth. I know that God is going to use him in a big way at his new church.

Please join with our families in praying for Scott, Amy, Zachery and Caleb as they embark on this new part of their lives. Please pray for God's Will to be done and for an easy transition into
their job and community.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Not all of us have had the blessing of knowing our grandparents. I am very thankful that not only have I been able to know my 3 of my 4 grandparents but I have also been able to know my 3 of 4 of my great-grandparents.

After my younger brother started school, my mom went back to work. During the summers our grandparents took turns taking care of us during the week while our parents worked. I have fond memories of my brother and I spending time with our grandparents. For instance, one night, Scott and I talked our grandpa into tearing down our twin beds and putting the mattresses on the floor for us to sleep on. Then when our grandma and grandpa would take us over to visit our great-grandparents. Or when our other grandma would take us bowling and out to lunch at White Castle. There are many more memories involving my grandparents of when we were older...our graduations, family functions, weddings, etc.

When I was younger, I thought my grandparents would live forever. Them dying never entered my mind. Now, many years later we have been through the deaths of our grandpa and one of our grandmas (our other grandpa died when I was only 7 months old). Our only living grandma is 87 years old and not in good health.

I now hold on to these memories and am so thankful that I have been blessed with Christian grandparents who helped raise us and came to all of our school plays, Little League games, church functions and so on. I miss my grandparents that are now with Jesus, their Savior, but know that are happy and healthy once again. I think about my grandma who is still living and am thankful for all the time we have with her.

I pray that my children will have as great a relationship with their grandparents as I did with my grandparents.

**As I type this, Dustin's grandma is in the hospital and has been for a few months now. Things are not looking good and the doctor's have not given her a lot of time. Please pray with us that she will not suffer and that God's Will be done. Please also pray for the family during this time.**

Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Pat on the Back

One of my favorite things about being Logan's mom is that sometimes when I pick him up, he will lay his head on my shoulder and pat my back a few times. I can't begin to tell you what that does to me inside. As I have said before, it took Dustin and I many years of trying before Logan was conceived. There were times when I never thought I would have a child of my own. Dustin never lost faith and I am so thankful for him and his faith and encouragement all those years! We are so thankful for our precious Logan. Being a mother is harder than I ever thought, but it is also so much more fun and rewarding than I every thought it would be. I am so thankful for every little pat on the back that I get from my Logan. It makes me smile on the inside and outside.