Monday, October 01, 2007

Pictures, Finally!

I love to take pictures of family, especially my boys. I am very good at carrying my digital camera with me wherever I go so I can capture those "special" moments. My problem lies in not developing the pictures. I developed about 700 pictures that I have saved on my computer from my camera. YES, that is right...700 picutres, well 692 to be exact. Plus I have another 120 that I just cleared off of my camera today that also need to be developed. Can you believe this?! Isn't that crazy!!! I guess I have no excuse not to scrapbook now. We all know that I have enough pictures!!

Here are some cute pictures that I found on my camera. Enjoy!

It doesn't get any sweeter than this!

Yes, I am that mother who dresses her boys alike!

My sweet boys who aren't in such a sweet mood!

Our baby Luke is 8 weeks old today! My how
time flies!! : )

Have a great night!


Shelly said...

Wow how precious! I've got to get over there and see him before he grows up. They are very cute and it's cool to dress them alike!! The last picture made me want to pinch his cheeks!:)

Suzanna said...

Awwww, they're so CUTE!!! I can't believe he's eight weeks old already, and it's about TIME you shared some new pictures, I've been waiting PATIENTLY for some new ones!!! Hope you guys are settling into your routine and everything is going more smoothly for you nowadays!! Hugs!!