Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hello Out There!

Yes, this is me. I know it has been nearly 2 months since I have last blogged and I do apologize to my faithful few who check my blog daily!! A lot has been going on, but I just haven't found the time to blog until now.

So, since I have last blogged we have gone on a couple of short trips. We have been to visit my brother and his family twice and we have gone to a town a few hours away for the weekend. All of our short trips were very nice. On our last trip we stayed in a hotel and Logan was able to go swimming which he loved. He was a little fish swimming all around. I told Dustin that we need to look into getting him some swim lessons next year.

We survived Halloween although I was a bit disappointed. This was the first year that I thought Logan would enjoy going out. Well, let me just say that there were only 3 houses on our street participating and we were one of them. Dustin and I took him down the street to one of the houses and he got some candy and then last house had a "bowl" out that asked people to just take one piece, sort of like and honor's system type deal. I guess I don't have to say that all of the candy was gone when we got there. I would have liked for Logan to go to some more houses, but our neighborhood just didn't get into it this year. But we still had fun because we had some family and friends over. All in all, it was a good night.

Thanksgiving was very nice also. It is always busy around the holidays with going to my side of the family and also Dustin's side of the family. It makes for a long day, but it was nice to spend time with family. This was the first year in a couple of years that I didn't participate in Black Friday. I must say I was a bit disappointed. Call me crazy but there is something about getting up at the crack of dawn (or before dawn), getting a coffee and waiting in line for a store to open up. Maybe next year!

I will say that I have a lot of my Christmas shopping done. I love shopping online!!! I have had a good time looking up different gifts for the boys. I have really gotten into it this year. We also put our Christmas tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving. I know! That is quite early for us. Usually we are the last people to put the tree up, but this year, we are the first!!

The boys are getting big and making me laugh everyday. We finally put the crib up in Logan's room which is now Logan and Luke's room this past weekend. I had just gotten Luke used to the bassinet in the past month or so, now I have to adjust him to the crib. I don't know if you all remember but Dustin painted our room two weeks before Luke was born and before he started painting I asked him if he thought we should switch rooms with the boys. Our room is a bit bigger and offers more options to place their beds. His answer then was no! Well, now I am trying to talk him into switching rooms. Dustin HATES to paint and isn't too crazy about the idea. I have compromised and said that we will leave our room the same color which happens to be blue and we will just change the trim color, but we will need to repaint the boys room the same color he just painted our room. He isn't going for it just yet, but I will keep trying!!!

So, not much else is going on with us. The boys are keeping me busy. As I am typing this, Luke is fussing for me to pick him up for some mommy time so I am going to end. I have posted some pictures below to show off my guys!!

Also, congratulations to our close friends (Logan's future in-laws) on the news of a new baby coming next summer!! We can't wait to meet the new addition to your family!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

They are *so* sweet, I really enjoyed seeing them, you, and Dustin today! Thanks for lunch and for having us over!! Love ya!