Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life with Two Children

It still amazes me that I am a mother of two. I remember the times when I thought I would never have my own child. Then in a matter of a little over 2 years, I have two sons! God has truly blessed us with our beautiful sons. I am thankful every day for both of them.

Luke will be 6 weeks old tomorrow. I can't believe it! It seriously feels like we just brought him home from the hospital yesterday. We are all still trying to adjust. We have no schedule yet. Basically, Luke rules the roost!

Luke looks just like his big brother, Logan, and in some ways if very much like Logan. Logan wanted to be held all the time the first few months and Luke is carrying on the tradition, especially at night. Logan was a gassy baby and Luke is turning out to be even more gassy then Logan. I think Luke may even have a bit of "reflux." The pediatrician gave me some "Zantac"-like medication for Luke but it didn't help and was making matters worse so we decided to stop the medicine. I don't think that his reflux is as bad as other babies. However, he does like to spit up, usually once a day or once every other day, like a faucet! It just come out like running water. I feel so bad for him, but it doesn't seem to bother him. In fact, he doesn't cry or anything. It is actually a bit of a surprise when it happens. So, I think that I have figured out the trick to help this spitting up not to happen. We will see in the next couple of days though!

So, we are still hanging in there. Trying to get better adjusted and trying to get a bit more sleep! But having my two boys is worth it. I have even discussed the possibility of a 3rd (and final!) child in a few more years! We will see. I have to wait until Dustin doesn't remember how tired we are right now before we even start to discuss this possibility!

Speaking of third child, I have posted before about my brother and sister-in-law who are expecting their third child. They have two boys too and now we have two boys. My parents have 4 grandsons and no granddaughters. We all love having the boys and wouldn't change it for the world, we would just like to see a little pink in the family in the future. Well, Amy had her ultrasound last week and was able to find out what the baby is. I am happy to say that we will have a 5th BOY in the family! Yep, that is right. Amy is having her 3rd boy! Can you believe that? We laughed and laughed. What are the odds of us having all boys and no girls in this family?! We are very excited and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby Blake at the beginning of next year. We are well on our way to having our own little boy sports team! Congratulations Scott and Amy! We are very happy and excited for you!

That seems to be about it for now. I do have some pictures to post. We were crazy enough to spend Labor Day weekend with Scott and Amy at their house. So, I have pictures of all 4 boys. I will try to post them this week, but don't hold me to that!

Have a great rest of the weekend.

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