Sunday, February 25, 2007

This Past Week

My father-in-law ended up having gall bladder surgery last Monday evening. He was not able to have the laparoscopic surgery, they had to make a large incision to get it out. He was so gracious to show us the incision site and it is HUGE. He has 33 staples across his abdomen. The surgeon told my mother-in-law that the gall bladder was "dead." The surgical nurse told her that the gall bladder was gange green. So, as you can imagine it is going to be a long recovery for my father-in-law. He was able to come home last Thursday morning and has been recovering well since then. We have visited with him twice and while he is moving slow and very tired, he is doing well. Thank you to all who prayed for him. Please continue to keep our family in your prayers.

My next subject is my 10 hour/week daycare job at the gym. WHAT WAS I THINKING? I have actually given up one of my mornings for an evening shift. During the evening shift, I work by myself as opposed to the morning shifts when I work with another lady. Let me just say the kids are crazy! The older kids come in the evening and can be hard to manage in the tiny space we have. Plus the evening shift is an hour longer. Now, I know that a big 4 hours doesn't sound like much but trust me is seems like 8 hours. This past week I worked 2 evenings back to back (I filled in for a girl). It was very hard and wore me out for the rest of the week. Not to mention that my own child was out of control during the first evening I worked this week! Hopefully this week will be less tiresome.

Lastly, as I have mentioned before my brother and his family are getting ready to move to another state. Actually, they will be moving in about a week. Saturday morning, my sister-in-law, Amy, and I went for a double pedicure. Our sweet husbands bought us gift certificates for Valentine's Day. We had a blast. It was so fun and relaxing and nice to spend time just the two of us. Then later that evening we had a going away party for Scott, Amy and the boys. It was a lot of fun. I must admit that I haven't thought too much about them leaving, but Saturday before the party it hit me that they are leaving and leaving soon. No more running down to their house at night on the spur of the moment to watch a t.v. show or game, etc. I won't be able to see my precious nephews as much as I do now. As I type this I am a bit emotional. I am so thankful for my brother and his family. Amy and I have become the best of friends and I will miss having her so close and miss seeing Zachery and Caleb play so well with their little cousin Logan. I know that Scott and Dustin will miss watching sporting events together too and making fun of Amy and I! But, God has a plan for them and I am so happy for them and know that God will bless them as they go and they won't be that far away, so we can visit a lot...right Scott?!

Well, that it is for now. I am praying that we all have a quiet, calm and easy week ahead of us!

God Bless.

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