Sunday, February 18, 2007

I Have A Confession...

I have done something tonight that I have never done before. I can't say that I am proud of it, but I do find it very amusing!! So, we all know that I am pregnant and have been sick for the past couple of months. Yesterday I started feeling a bit better and today was another "good feeling day." I am excited at the thought that I am turning the corner and will no longer be gagging and "icky" all day. Although I am feeling better the one thing I can not tolerate is potatoes of any kind. So, tonight Dustin and I were visiting his dad in the hospital (I will explain more at the end) and on the way home he suggested McDonalds for dinner. I must admit that my stomach did turn a bit at the thought of fries. Some of my family was over and we all decided to go ahead and get McDonalds. The majority of people wanted chicken nuggets. I must admit that I couldn't decide between a Big Mac and chicken nuggets, however, I was very sure that I did not want fries. Well, I ended up getting both the Big Mac and some chicken nuggets! I thought I would eat half of the sandwhich and a few chicken nuggets. WRONG!!! I ate the WHOLE sandwich and a 6 piece chicken nugget. I promise I am not just saying that to make this post more interesting, but it doesn't stop there. After the Big Mac and 6 piece chicken nugget I proceeded to eat an apple pie also from McDonalds. My brother was pretty impressed! So far I haven't felt sick, but we will see what the night holds for me.

**Please pray for Dustin's dad. He is in the hospital waiting to have his gall bladder removed. He went to the emergency early Friday morning with severe stomach pain. They released him Friday afternoon because all of the tests came back fine. They thought he had a case of the flu. He was quite ill yesterday all day and Dustin's mom called us this morning saying she took him back in this morning real early. They are sure it is the gall bladder and the surgeon will see him tomorrow. He will most likely have the surgery tomorrow. There may be a complication of an infection which will entail more procedures than just the surgery. Please pray for God's guidance with the doctors and staff and that Dustin's dad will make a full and fast recovery. Thanks!**

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