Monday, January 29, 2007

The Party is Over

Logan has been a night owl since he was born. I have said before that I believe it is because he was born at 2:29 am. Logan likes to stay up late and sleep in in the mornings. All of my friends know not to call our house before 10 am. Well, that is all going to change now! You see, I am a working woman now. I started last Friday and I am working at a local athletic club in the day care center. It is only 9 hours a week, but we have to get up and be there by 9 am, 3 days a week.

Friday I went by myself to learn the ropes and today was the first day Logan joined me. I must say it was a bit hard for both of us to wake up and be ready that early. All in all, it was a good time. Logan did very good. I am excited that he will get to interact and play with children his age. Really the only consistant interaction Logan has is with his cousins and as I posted last time, his cousins are going to be moving away. So this is a good thing for us both. I am praying that Logan will learn to share with other children and see his Mommy interacting with other children so that when his baby sister or brother comes along, it won't be such a shock to him.

So, day 1 with Logan went well. Hopefully day 2 will go even better and day 3 even better than that!!

**One a side note, I had posted a little on Dustin's grandma who is in the hospital. They have taken her off of all the machines and medications she was on. She is fading fast and it is just a matter of time. She is a Christian and that brings us comfort to know she is going home to her Savior. Please pray for the family during the weeks to come. Thanks.

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