Monday, January 15, 2007


Not all of us have had the blessing of knowing our grandparents. I am very thankful that not only have I been able to know my 3 of my 4 grandparents but I have also been able to know my 3 of 4 of my great-grandparents.

After my younger brother started school, my mom went back to work. During the summers our grandparents took turns taking care of us during the week while our parents worked. I have fond memories of my brother and I spending time with our grandparents. For instance, one night, Scott and I talked our grandpa into tearing down our twin beds and putting the mattresses on the floor for us to sleep on. Then when our grandma and grandpa would take us over to visit our great-grandparents. Or when our other grandma would take us bowling and out to lunch at White Castle. There are many more memories involving my grandparents of when we were older...our graduations, family functions, weddings, etc.

When I was younger, I thought my grandparents would live forever. Them dying never entered my mind. Now, many years later we have been through the deaths of our grandpa and one of our grandmas (our other grandpa died when I was only 7 months old). Our only living grandma is 87 years old and not in good health.

I now hold on to these memories and am so thankful that I have been blessed with Christian grandparents who helped raise us and came to all of our school plays, Little League games, church functions and so on. I miss my grandparents that are now with Jesus, their Savior, but know that are happy and healthy once again. I think about my grandma who is still living and am thankful for all the time we have with her.

I pray that my children will have as great a relationship with their grandparents as I did with my grandparents.

**As I type this, Dustin's grandma is in the hospital and has been for a few months now. Things are not looking good and the doctor's have not given her a lot of time. Please pray with us that she will not suffer and that God's Will be done. Please also pray for the family during this time.**

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