Monday, January 22, 2007

My Brother

Growing up Scott and I had the normal love/hate relationship...I loved him and he hated me! Seriously though, we had a normal brother/sister relationship. Since I was the oldest, I tended to "mother" him too much. I believe when he was around 15 or 16 years old, he really started to appreciate me. You see, he would get grounded for life every other day and would come to me and have me talk to our parents. He would want me to talk them out of his punishment so he could hang out with his friends. I know I am painting a picture of my brother that isn't too pretty, but truthfully he is a great brother.

One of the happiest times I had seen my brother was when Dustin announced that he had asked me to marry him. Scott flew across the room and hugged us both. To this day, Scott and Dustin are the best of friends and I am forever grateful for that. In return, Amy and I are also the best of friends.

Scott was called into full time Christian ministry when he was in college. When Scott and Amy were first married they lived 10 hours away from home. Once Zachery was born, the Lord opened up a door and they came home to live and Scott became the youth pastor of a local church. For the past 4 1/2 years my family and Scott's family have lived only a few blocks away. Well, in aobut 6 weeks that is going to change.

The Lord has once again opened up a door for Scott, Amy and the boys to move again to another church with awesome opportunities for them all. Scott and his family will be moving 3 hours from home. While it is hard to see them go, I am thankful that they will only be 3 hours away. We have already planned on monthly visits to see them and Amy and the boys will be here for montly visits too.

Selfishly, I wish they could stay close to us forever. I want to watch our boys grow up and become the best of friends. I want to be able to go down to their house for ice cream and a movie at night. I want Logan and I to be able to go to story time with Amy and the boys and all of us meet for lunch afterward. However, I do understand that my wishes aren't what is best.

While I have enjoyed being so close to them, I understand that God is calling them elsewhere. God has provided for them all along and will continue to provide for them as they go away. I am so proud of the Christian man my brother has become. He is a great youth pastor and does great things for the youth. I know that God is going to use him in a big way at his new church.

Please join with our families in praying for Scott, Amy, Zachery and Caleb as they embark on this new part of their lives. Please pray for God's Will to be done and for an easy transition into
their job and community.

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