Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's Been A While...

I am still a part of the blog world, just haven't written in a while. Here are a couple of things that have happened since I've last blogged...

First, (going back a few weeks) we are very sad that the Detroit Tigers did not win the World Series. It was a bit tough around here for a few days. We are reminding ourselves that they actually made it to the World Series, which was a huge accomplishment, instead of reliving the loss over and over. There is always next year!!

Halloween was fun! Logan was the cutest lion I have ever seen. We had tried on his costume a few weeks before Halloween to make sure it fit and he wasn't too thrilled with it at the time. This made me nervous all day Halloween. I didn't know if he was going to put it on or not. I had to somewhat force it on him at first, but then he did good the rest of the evening. He actually wore it until all of the grandparents and aunts and uncles had seen him. Mommy was very proud of him.

Dustin and I actually went to a movie last weekend with my brother and sister-in-law. It was very nice to get away from the house to be an adult for a few hours. I won't tell you which movie we saw, but it was good. We thought it was a comedy but it was also a bit suspenseful. At one point, the movie got a bit tense and Amy and I were sitting next to each other with Dustin and Scott on each end and all of a sudden something happened in the movie and both Amy and I screamed! Yes, that is right. Two grown women screamed in the middle of a movie theater. I seriously am laughing about it now as I type! After the screaming stopped, we proceeded to laugh as quietly as possible for the next 5 minutes. I couldn't even look at Amy without laughing. Because I was laughing so hard, I began to cry also. I swear, Dustin can't take me anywhere!

We celebrated Dustin's birthday last Saturday. He got to sleep in and watch a bunch of football games throughout the day. I, however, felt the need to clean everything that day. I totally cleaned and organized our bedroom, Logan's bedroom, the kitchen, dining room, living room and some of the upstairs storage area. Whew!!! Later that night, we had our parents and siblings over for Chinese food and cupcakes (birthday boy's choice!). It was nice to have everyone together, however, Dustin and I have decided that the older you get, the less exciting birthdays are!

(Daddy and Logan opening
Daddy's birthday card!)

Well, that is it for now. I promise to update more often and not just overload you with one huge post! Have a great day!

(This picture has nothing to do
with anything referenced in
my post, but isn't it the cutest?!
I got Logan up and out of bed
one morning, but apparently
he wasn't ready to start his day, yet!)

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