Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year!

Our family had a great Christmas. We were very busy running all over but we enjoyed it all. It was especially fun to see Logan open his presents. This was the first year he was actually interested in opening gifts. He opened gifts at so many places that by the end he would rip off a little wrapping paper to see what it was then he would move on and I would open the rest! Both boys got a lot of good stuff that we are very thankful for. Our family spoiled us all.

The day after Christmas is when the panic set in. I had two van loads of presents strewn all over the house. We had just switched rooms with the boys a couple of weeks ago to make room for everything and I was still not sure how all of it was going to fit. I seriously am telling the truth when I say that it took a good 5 days to organize everything. I had to do some more rearranging but finally it all (somewhat) fits. Dustin and I have come to the conclusion that we need more space. We would love to sell our house and buy a bigger one, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen right now. So, for now we will continue to rotate toys, books, clothes, etc. I don't want to come across as spoiled in that I want a bigger house, because that is not the case. I am very thankful for our house and it has been good for us, but now that we have the two boys we are going to need a bigger house soon to fit us all and our stuff! We will see though!

This brings us to the weekend before New Year's. We were at Dustin's cousin's house visiting with his family and Logan snuggled up to me a couple of times. This was strange because there were so many toys to play with and his cousin. He enjoys himself when we go over there so I thought it was odd that he wasn't playing, not to mention that he didn't eat his pizza that we had for dinner (he LOVES pizza!). So, I felt of his head and wouldn't you know it, he had a fever. Well, not wanting to get the other kids sick, we packed up and headed home. We were supposed to visit with some "aunts from Florida" but were unable to because I wasn't sure what was going on. We had just gotten over a bug of some sort and I know that when a fever hits, something is to follow! He ran a fever for a few days and then it broke on New Year's Day, however, I noticed a bit of wheezing. Logan always gets a bout or two of broncholitis every winter and I knew this was coming. What I wasn't prepared for was the Luke also started to wheeze a bit on New Year's Day, when all of the doctor's offices are closed! So, Wednesday I loaded up both boys (Dustin was supposed to be on vacation but got called for jury duty) by myself and headed to the doctors. I know that I sound "put out" when I say that I had to take both boys to the doctors by myself. I don't mind to do that but Logan can be a handful when we go and he is seen by the doctor. I was nervous how I was going to handle both boys. It was HORRIBLE!!!! Logan at that time was running a fever again and didn't want to be touched or looked at. He only wanted mommy to hold him. Luke was great and thank you Lord for that! Let's just say it was so bad that at one point I was even crying. The outcome was that both boys needed breathing treatments 4 times a day. Thank the Lord Dustin was dismissed as a juror and has been home with us since last Wednesday afternoon. Dustin's last day of vacation is today...what a vacation! I don't want our boys to be sick at all, but I am so thankful that Dustin has been home to help. Oh, and did I mention that mommy is now sick!

So, our first week of the new year hasn't been the greatest but we are all on the mend (I hope) and we have all been together. That has been nice, although I now have a bit of cabin fever. Maybe we will all venture for a bit since it is almost 60 degrees today!!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God bless you all in the new year!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

I hope you're all feeling back to 100% now! Happy New Year!